The Same Blog

Look Ma, we're all on the same blog!


I miss you Lola... you were a sweet, sensitive, loving girl who never deserved what you got.  I love you.



I know, I know...we haven't posted in a LONG time, but I'm telling you. IT'S ON TONIGHT. We're at two beers and counting right now...but look for a post later on tonight to tell you what's really goin on.

The Captain and the Bartender are still runnin...



so this blog still exists..sweet. i'm in town, bored, and i might answer my phone or whatever since i finally got used to having it with me. woohoo!


In Case You Didn't Notice

I deleted my blog, seeing as how I haven't updated in like a month and don't really care to any more. Oh, some Crazyeric quotes:

"It's like a...hickory orgy dude." [describing a campfire]
"I like to whack shit." [As seen on The Vision]
"I-O-O." [pronounced eye-oh, means: I don't know]
"That's a hell of a way to treat an ant, dude." [then continued by explaining that animals are people too]
"When you're hardcore, things happen...Einstein was hardcore." [strokes mustache contemplatively]
"I don't like gives you the shits." [so Disarronno is better]
"Ten feet tall dude." [I must have asked him over 100 times in one night how tall Jack Girardi was]

And many, many more I forgot in the haze...Crazyeric: here's to you. Remember we will listen to System of a Down on every camping trip from now on. Brett: I just bought Journey's Greatest Hits: I need to burn it for you. Oh, and in case there was any doubt: I like beer. Just figured I oughta say it right up front. It's gotta be like the best invention ever. In the words of the great Benjamin Franklin: "Beer is proof that God loves man." Now if you will excuse me, I have business to attend to.



I'M HERE, DON'T WORRY! I am here to answer the phone, can go on as usual.

I feel that my job is...less than important. So, to keep my self-confidence, I pretend that I'm the most important person here.



My New Brand


she loook jus lige a big fat cow



This is Cool

My toenail did actually fall off. Just now. I noticed it was loose on there and it was actually hanging by a piece of skin. I think I should keep it as souvenir... Holy crap! Theres another one coming off!

Let this be a lesson to all of you: don't run 26 miles in boots.


And now some poetry from our friend "2 dope"...

A beautiful butterfly
Came floating by
and landed on my cheek
Just a smidgen from my eye
And what did I say
To my little friend?



Fuck you Anonymous...for the 8th time

Eat shit bitch! Fuck Anonymous bitches who can't even put their fuckin names at the bottom of their comments. Have some fuckin balls and tell me who you are, if not, don't fuckin comment. And I'm sure that if you could spell the word (that's right, it's one word) ASSHOLE, maybe I would actually respect you a little more and I might even give a tiny little bitty bit of a SHIT EATING FUCK if you cared about me or my death...But since you can't seem to form a fucking sentence, I give not one little dick slap of a fuck if you spit on my grave. Eat shit bitch and that's all I'm sayin. Oh...and fuck you.


Beer, Cigars, Guns, and the Marine Corps

Hell yea, I'm still kickin! That's all I have to say. Rock everyday.


woohoo i am back

yeah ok i've been gone awhile, but i'm on spring break so i actually have time to update and read blogs. yay.

well i survived winter in new england. uhh...thats all i have to say about that.


Pass me by...

Life is passing me by
One second at a time
I can hear that clock ticking
Every time is one more second
Closer but not fast enough

The world is passing me by
One second at a time
I lose one second with each tick
And one more with each tock
I'm losing, I'm gaining
At the same time
Yet time is a concept I'm not ready to grasp
Maybe I need more of understand it

She's passing me by
One second at a time
But how can she pass
If she's not even here yet?

One more tick
And one more tock
I'm thinking too much
About this damn clock



my tired friend has a blog, and he says he wants to stop updating because nobody ever reads/comments. come on, don't let the blogging die!


Gave up

I gave up givin it up
I gave up
I gave up
I gave up giving it up
First I gave up
Then I gave that up
So I gave up givin it up
gave it up
gave it up
gave it up
Then I gave up givin it up


Have you ever wondered how much you could fit in the title maybe you could put a whole post in here...if I had more time I'd probably try


Carnivores Rock


Eating meat is one of the manliest things you can do. It tastes good, is high in protein, and what is cooler than eating meat? You can fry it, grill it, broil it, barbeque it, or even make it into jerky. Jerky rocks. And vegetables suck. Potatoes are OK, but only when eaten in conjunction with said meat.

When you were little which was cooler: the lion or the zebra? THE LION, DUH!!! Know why? Because it eats every living thing it sees. Lions kick ass too. When I go on safari, I'm gonna shoot one. Kinda like The Ghost and the Darness - kill or be killed type stuff.

Meat or veggie? Are you a wolf or a sheep? Remember, wolves eat sheep.

(OK, OK that's a bighorn sheep - and we all know those are really awesome...on the grill ;-) )


The Watcher

What's goin down bloggers? I haven't posted on the same blog as you guys since...uh, my last post. HA

Whatever, so I just wanted to tell everybody that I partied w/ Tha Captain this weekend up in the ABQ and had a kick ass time.
The times are good and school is cool.
This attitude don't peep its head a lot but I got it now so I'm sharin, not scarin. Don't just mess around in your head, don't get ready for bed,
go out and have fun, run ron in the sun,
I'm rhymin w/o reason, but I got all season,
like Buffet done told you, we gots ta all roll though.
Don't know what this means? Then there's more to be seen,
more to understand and more to bury in the sand,
things you're not proud of, things you can't speak aloud of,
This is tryin to save face, but I cant find a commonplace,
to share what I think and have another drink.



i had midterms last wednesday. i dont even want to know how i did... the only thing i like about midterms is that they mean the term is half over. so like, only 4 more weeks til spring break...4 more weeks til i get to go home. a lot of people like to go on trips and such for spring break, but all i want is to be at home where i don't have to do anything and i can just lay around the house and go shopping when i feel like it. i won't be obliged to do anything. i won't have to work, i won't have to study, i won't have to party. i can't wait for that. midterms just put in perspective how short these terms really are, and how soon i will regain my freedom.


damn its late

sleeping is something i like, but not something i do at the right time. i just wrote a long ass journal entry, so this is probably gonna be pretty short. well i really have no point in writing this other than to say that the blogging community isnt dead. maybe a little busy with stuff, but not dead. and i also want to say hey and whats up to everyone. Hanover is freakin cold (sub zero, mostly) and covered in freakin snow. i hope i survive.